Hitman 2 Silent Assassin

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin apunkagames download

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Pc Game – Overview – Download – Highly Compressed

Type of game: Shooting
PC Release Date: October 1, 2002
IO Interactive

Download Hitman 2 Silent Assassin for PC with a size of 180 MB, perform the most difficult assassinations in the amazing action and crime game Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, which revolves around Agent 47 or the bald killer as some call him, who works as a hired killer for a group of very wealthy people.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin has received many improvements that have made it more realistic than ever, and the main character has gained many abilities that were not available before, in addition to introducing many new weapons and tools, which in turn gives the player many paths that can be followed to assassinate characters.

Hitman 2 relies on stealth and assassinating characters from a third-person perspective like its predecessor, but what’s new in downloading Hitman 2 Silent Assassin is that you can switch to a first-person perspective, in addition to the ability to hit enemies on the head using weapons to render them unconscious without killing them, and you can also look through the door lock.

After downloading Hitman 2 for PC, it has become possible to use all the weapons the player has collected from previous missions in the following missions, in addition to many new ways to blend into the surrounding environment, and the suspicion indicator has been added, which is a bar that appears next to the health indicator through which you can identify the amount of doubt in the character of Agent 47.

In order to choose the most appropriate method of killing from among dozens of methods of killing, you must work to collect as much information as possible about the person to be assassinated, knowing that most of the victims are very important figures, which means that you may often have to kill more than one person to reach your goal in the end.

You can push the target from a high place, booby-trap his car, poison him with food, kill him with firearms, even strangle him with wires or stab him with a knife and many other ways that you will discover with downloading Hitman 2, but you have to hide the crime tools after doing so and not leave any evidence that might lead the police to you.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin contains a variety of firearms and melee weapons, and you can choose from the group of weapons you obtained in previous missions, as you can pick up weapons of different types and keep them to use again in new missions, as is the case with equipment as well.

There are a large number of light machine guns that can be used after downloading Hitman 2 Silent Assassin, and there are also sniper rifles of several different models, not to mention many pistols, in addition to melee weapons such as baseball bats, kitchen knives, fiber wires and axes, in addition to materials used in killing such as poison and drugs.

Before downloading make sure that your PC meets system requirements.
System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 3 @ 1.0GHz
  • HDD: 800 MB free
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • Video Memory: 32 MB
  • Keyboard and Mouse
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin screenshot Hitman 2 Silent Assassin gameplay screenshot

How to Install?

1. After downloading the game fileextract it with WINRAR.
2. Stop the program and firewall before installation.
3. Go to the game folder and open the SETUP installation icon.
4. Choose the installation path and after finishing, open the game from the desktop icon.

How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just click here

Game Size: 180 MB

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